Journal Publications

Effects of Explicit Sponsorship Disclosure on User Engagement in Social Media Influencer Marketing, with Zike Cao, MIS Quarterly, 2024. (preprint)

Incentive Misalignments in Programmatic Advertising: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment, with Thomas Frick and Rahul Telang, Management Science, 2023.

Optimal Electricity Imbalance Pricing for the Emerging Penetration of Renewable and Low-Cost Technologies, with Yashar Ghiassi, Mohammed Reza and Derek Bunn, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 2023.

Social Referral Programs for Freemium Platforms, with Ting Li, Management Science, 2022.

Free Riding in Products with Positive Network Externalities: Empirical Evidence from a Large Mobile Network, with Pedro Ferreira, MIS Quarterly, 2022. (preprint)

Welfare Properties of Recommender Systems: Theory and Results from a Randomized Experiment, with Pedro Ferreira, Xiaochen Zang and Miguel Godinho de Matos, MIS Quarterly, 2021. (preprint)

The Impact of Time-Shift TV on TV Viewership and on Ad Consumption, with Miguel Godinho de Matos, Pedro Ferreira and Filipa Reis, Management Science, 2019.

Target the Ego or Target the Group: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Proactive Churn Management, with Miguel Godinho de Matos and Pedro Ferreira, Marketing Science, 2018.

Spillover Effects from Wiring Schools with Broadband: the Critical Role of Children, with Pedro Ferreira and Rahul Telang, Management Science, 2016.

Broadband in School: Impact on Student Performance, with Pedro Ferreira and Rahul Telang, Management Science, 2014.